Promoting Israeli Interests, Enshrining Liberal Values
Israel is losing liberal America, particularly young liberals -
but it doesn't have to be this way.
As liberal Israelis we know that no matter where you stand,
you can always find a common ground with Israel and Israelis - and we also know that supporting Israel and fighting for peace, justice, and human rights, can go hand-in-hand.




Bringing Liberal Israel to Congress
There’s another story to Israel, that’s often missed from the halls of Congress. We’re bringing it to the House of Representatives and to the Senate, claiming that if you are a liberal or a progressive you don’t have to give up an inch of your values if you help Israel defend itself, pursue peace and stability, or return the hostages.

Training Pro-Israel Advocates to Speak Liberal
Liberal (and Progressive) is a worldview. It has sacred values, codes, norms, and taboos - and if we want to effectively engage with liberals and progressives, we must speak Liberal (and Progressive).
of participants said we gave them tools to effectively advocate for liberal Zionism
advocates participated in our workshops
9 U.S. states + Israel
Sharing a New Story
Official Israel and most Jewish Organizations will tell you that you must choose - either a Zionist or a liberal, either pro-Israel or progressive. You don’t. We make that voice, the liberal Zionist voice, heard on every platform.
Educating Israelis
We Israelis often think we understand America - we don’t, definitely not liberal America. We are the only NGO in Israel educating Israelis in key positions - in the public service, the civil society, pre-military schools, the private sector, and the IDF - on our most important ally, and why it’s critical to maintain the U.S.-Israel alliance.
of participants learned new things about U.S.-Israel relations
Were exposed for
the first time to the depth of the U.S.-Israel relations